Training and Certification Process

If you are intertested in joining us as a VA  coder, there are a few steps that must be fulfilled:

  1. Complete and submit this form to express your interest in joining as a VA Coder.
  2. Our team will examine your request. If found OK, we will approve your request. You will be            provided a  Login and Password for our online certification system.
  3. Log on to this website.(The logon button is visible on all pages at the bottom)
  4. Go to the Online Training page here. Select the training course (Course name will only be visible if you have logged in and are enrolled into the course) . Read the training module that is provided. You can download it without registering as well from this page.
  5. Complete the three tests.
  6. Upon successful completion of tests, we will certify you as a VA coder and register you into our coding platform.

Overview of Tests

  1.  For test 1-Read the training material thoroughly. Once ready, this MCQ test can be taken through login to the homepage and clicking on the web link. You have to successfully complete the test (at most in 3 attempts) for further training process.
  2. For test 2-On clearing test 1, the next phase comprising of 20 coding records will be given to you  for coding. You will need to complete this correctly to move to next phase.
  3. For test 3– You will be assigned 8 records for reconciliation ( coded by you and another physician). Once you complete this correctly, you would be technically trained for joining our network as a coder.

If you are unsuccessful or have a low score, you will need to retake the particular test (test 1,2 or 3). Only after successfully completing a particular test, you will be given the next test. Maximum number of attempts are 3. If unsuccessful, send us email & we will let you know regarding reconsideration/retest.